Warhammer Underworlds
Warhammer Underworlds, labeled as the "ultimate competitive miniatures game," is a 2-player game by Games Workshop combining deck building, dice-rolling combat, and their famously detailed miniatures. In this skirmish game, you will pilot one of (currently) twenty-two unique factions, each with access to exclusive fighters, abilities, and tricks of all kind in the form of faction-specific cards for your deck.
With Beastgrave, the third and latest installment of the game, GW has really tightened up the ruleset and introduced some fascinating new game mechanics to explore. They've revisited more standard abilities by implementing bolded key words, a staple to the LCG category and something the game was missing since its initial release in 2017. They've also rotated Universal cards from Shadespire to avoid too much bloat, while simultaneously rebalancing some of the core actions, so it is a great time to get into the game!
I love Underworlds as it allows me the creative flexibility to try out a number of different achetypes through the deck-building mechanic, while also rewarding shrewd strategy in-game with the sheer amount of variety in what your opponent brings to each match. With a total of 12 actions per player per game, it is also one of the quickest games GW has to offer (just slightly behind Warcry). Gamescape SF runs quarterly tournaments with official Organized Play kits, so please come join the community and check out my favorite miniatures game!